The incident of mob lynching at Alwar drew a stern reaction from opposition parties. Rajasthan state president of Congress expressed resentment on the incident and indicated on the rise of such incidents in Rajasthan and other states governed by BJP.
“Saddened by the news of a man beaten to death in Alwar. The killing of people on ‘suspicion’ is sadly becoming a norm in BJP ruled states,” Pilot stated on social media. “The home minister’s words in Parliament about state governments responsibility in stopping mob lynching seem even more hollow now,” he further added. “The term of mob lynching was unheard of four years ago,” and it has been on the rise since BJP came to power, stated Pilot.
Article Type:
Sun, 22 Jul 2018-06:20am
Date updated:
Sunday, 22 July 2018 - 6:20am
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