The wait of candidates who appeared for CA, CPT, Foundation and Final (Old and New) will be published today, on Friday, July 20. These exams are conducted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). As per communique given by ICAI, the results will be published today and students can either check it online or use SMS to check it.
CA Foundation exams were held in the month of May across 4 days. CA CPT (June) session was held on June 17, 2018.
How can candidates check result for CPT, Foundation and Final (Old & New) results and CA?
The most important thing needed to check the result is the roll number and registration number. So for that keep your admit cards handy. The relevant websites for checking the result are,,
Candidates need to register to get their result via SMS. The message has to be sent to 58888.
CACPT(Space)Roll Number to 58888 for CA CPT result
.CAFNLOLD (Space)Roll Number to 58888 for CA Final Old result
CAFNLNEW (Space)Roll Number to 58888 for CA Final New result
CAFND (Space)Roll Number to 58888 for CA Foundation result