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DNA ANALISYS: Would you bomb a city to take out a terrorist?


There are questions I have in mind I would like to share with you first. They have been troubling me since yesterday when the news of internet ban first filtered in.  

Forget about not being able to book your movie show or order your favourite food online. Let’s leave aside booking a cab on mobile app. Just for a moment think about this passenger who reaches the airport with his boarding pass on his email. Suddenly, he can’t access his email. Why? Because, the internet is down. What does he do? There is this person who had come to Jaipur, got his tests done and has returned to his native place. That person wishes to download his medical reports and go to a doctor. What does he do? The banks are closed on account of second Saturday. Someone has planned on paying his utility bill online on the last day. Now, what does he do? 

We are headed towards Digital India and shutting down entire internet to control the information flow for one event is not done. It’s just an exam, not a National Security threat. We understand shutting down internet when there is a security issue, but to prevent copying in an exam! Let’s not make Security threat and Exam as same situation. It’s time to sit down with stake holders, internet service providers and device a solution so that we can achieve the goals and make this city a truly Smart City of Smart People. There are simpler ways to block sites and apps so that the internet doesn’t get hampered and services don’t get disrupted.  

During the last riot and emergency meet with the police officers, I had advised them that instead of blocking services en masse, the sites you want shut down can be selectively directed to be shut down. I was asked if it’s possible. I said, why not? There are ways you can shut down social media sites and apps like WhatsApp, Facebook and others. 

When you go to Dubai, the WhatsApp calling service does not work there. When they can discontinue or drop a built-in service within an application, what we are looking at is actually doable. It’s a blanket ban on the sites you don’t want used. And it doesn’t require any skill. 

This (the constable recruitment exam) is an offline exam. In an offline exam, you do not want people to communicate outside the centre. So, just put jammers. If possible reduce the number of centres and set them up at where the jammers can be installed. 

What the authorities have done today is not practical. It is like faced with a choice, to kill a terrorist will you bomb the city? This is not done. Right?

Ajay Data
CEO and owner of Data Infosys


Article Type: 
Sun, 15 Jul 2018-06:25am
Date updated: 
Sunday, 15 July 2018 - 6:25am
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A an applicant sifts through the roll numbers pasted besides a Dos & Don’ts chart.
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