To improve the level of education in the state, government school teachers have been asked to teach weak students after school hours. In addition, the government has also asked the heads of schools to involve senior people of villages and retired teachers in the education system.
The officials are at present identifying weak students from schools across the state who need more attention. State education minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama addressed District Education Officers, District Primary Education Officers, Block Resource Coordinators, Cluster Resource Coordinators, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation School Board officials and others on Friday at Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya auditorium where he asked all the teachers to take responsibility of such students.
Addressing them, he said, "The work of making a road or a building can get over, but work of education is a never ending process. We need to focus on why in the state of Gujarat, a Gujarati child fails in Gujarati subject. Our Prime Minister has taken this so seriously that he has given responsibility of Narmada and Dahod to two ministers. He has appointed high level officers to work in both districts. If there is so much interest from the Centre, where are we lacking?"
Speaking to DNA, he said, "Teachers will spend one extra hour after school every day for a month, and then results of those children will be evaluated."
He also said, "Teachers of self-financed schools are insecure as they fear losing their job for non-performance which puts pressure on them to perform better. You all are lucky ones to get into government schools. We need to work harder.
State education minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama has also asked the heads of schools to involve senior people of villages and retired teachers in the education system